Müslüman Süryaniler Kimlerdir?

Müslüman Süryaniler Kimlerdir? Bir çok okuyucu Müslüman Süryaniler konusunda fazla bir bilgiye sahip değildir. Dahası bu başlık onlara şaşırtıcı çok şaşırtıcı da gelebilir. Çünkü hep duyduk ve hep söyledik bütün Süryanilerin Hristiyan olduğunu. Meğerse bu doğru değilmiş. Evet, büyük bir çoğunluğun Hristiyan olduğu doğrudur ancak sayısı az da olsa kendini inançsız veya Agnostik diye tanımlayanlar da mevcuttu. Fakat şimdi adından hiç söz edilmeyen Müslüman Süryaniler var. Her nedense bunlar hep göz ardı edilmişlerdi. Bunların önemli bir kısmı toplumsal baskı ve

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Muslim Assyrians? Who are they?

Muslim Assyrians? Who are they? By Sabri Atman Many readers will wonder, who are these Assyrians? Moreover, aren’t all Assyrians Christian? Apparently not! The majority of Assyrians are Christians – some agnostic and some atheists as well. Now; however, we also have Muslim Assyrians that are proud of their Assyrian identity. Crypto- Assyrians, is a term to describe those Assyrians that are full-fledged ethnic Assyrians or those that of partial Assyrian origin; yet they feel obliged to hide their Assyrian

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Question and answers with Sabri Atman

Full name: Sabri Atman Hometown: I was born in Nsibin (Tur Abdin), in southeast Turkey. [I] moved to Austria due to political reasons and [then] to Sweden five years later. I am a Swedish citizen. Occupation: President of the Seyfo Center. Where is your family originally from? My family and the rest of Assyrians were living in Nsibin before the Kurds and Turks came to the region. For those that do not know, what is the Seyfo Center? The Seyfo Center is a research center

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An Armenian American Group Caves in to the Anti-Defamation League

For several decades the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and other leading Jewish American organizations (AIPAC, AJC, B’nai B’rith, and JINSA) have deliberately colluded with Turkey and Israel to defeat U.S. Congressional resolutions on the Christian Armenian Genocide and to diminish the factuality of that genocide. Yola Habif Johnston, a director at JINSA (Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs), once admitted that “the Jewish lobby has quite actively supported Turkey in their efforts to prevent the so-called Armenian genocide resolution from passing.”

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Suriye – Kamişlı – Wusta’da Patrick Efrem Kerim şahsında, Süryani halkına yapılan intihar saldırısı

19 Haziran 2016’da Suriye/ Kamışlı’da, Süryanilerin yoğun yaşadığı Wusta’da yapılan intihar saldırısında, Süryani SUTORO polis gücünden Hanna Ado Gewriye ve bir de Ali Ahmed (Zuheyr) isimli Kürt gencinin, bombayı farketmesi sonucu daha büyük bir katliam önledi. Büyük bir katliamı önlediler, önlemesine de İŞİD’in düzenlediği bu bombalı saldırıda hayatlarını kaybettiler. Riad habsuno, Marios Malki, ve ona yakın süryani ağır yaralanmış, iş yerleri tahrip olmuştur. Bu hain saldırı da, asıl hedef barış sever ve soykırım ( Seyfo) konusunda bu güne deign gelmiş

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The speech that Sabri Atman, the president of Seyfo Center, has delivered at the Seyfo monument ceremony in Switzerland .

Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen:   Only One hundred Years ago, unknown to most, two-thirds of the Assyrian population were massacred by the Ottoman Turks. While the Assyrian, Armenian and Greek genocide is an historical fact; Turkey still denies that it took places. This genocide is an event that the survivors will never forget. The wounds of this genocide are not healed yet. Turkey and their allies from the Kurdish tribes must not only acknowledge this crime that they committed, but then

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