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Minnesstund för Hrant Dink

Det är tre år sedan den armeniske journalisten Hrant Dink mördades. Dink mördades på öppen gata i centrala Istanbul 2007. Händelsen blev uppmärksammad eftersom Dink blivit en symbol för yttrandefriheten och minoritetsrätter i Turkiet.

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Minister tried to stop memorial

THE Foreign Minister, Stephen Smith, attempted to intervene personally in the approval of a monument commemorating the contested Assyrian genocide after being lobbied by the Turkish Government. But his advice was ignored by Fairfield Council and the 4.5-metre statue to be built in Edensor Park was approved.

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The Assyrian Universal Alliance (AUA) - Australian Chapter is pleased to announce that despite strong objection by certain elements its application to erect a monument honouring the victims of the Assyrian Genocide was approved by the Fairfield City Council on 15 December 2009.

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