Ein Meilenstein im Seyfo

Im Assryrischen Mesopotamien Verein Gütersloh fand am 13.06.09 ein Vortrag des geschätzten Referenten Sabri Atman statt. Das Hauptthema befasste sich mit dem Erhalt des Grundbesitzes im Südosten der Türkei im Namen von Berzan Boti an Seyfo Center.

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A Kurdish intellectual’s historic honorary action

A Kurdish intellectual Mr Behzat Bilek, known with his actual Kurdish name as Berzan Boti, has officially transferred his estate that was inherited to him from his grandfather. Realizing that this estate was confiscated as a result of the genocide carried against all Christians during WWI, in the late Ottoman Empire and that his grandfather was one of the perpetrators, he decided to return it to its actual owners of the land namely the Assyrians (also known as Chaldean, Suryoyeh

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