Zeynep TOZDUMAN – Tarihçilere göre yaklaşık 7 bin yıllık bir halk olan Süryaniler yaşadığımız toprakların en eski halkıdır. 2000 yıl önce Hıristiyanlığı ilk kabul eden halk olan Süryaniler, günümüzde ne yazık ki Türkiye geneli 15 bin civarı bir nüfusa sahiptir. Köklü medeniyetler oluşturmuş Asur imparatorluğu bir zamanlar Mezopotamya’dan Ortadoğu’ya kadar yayılmıştır. Asuri/Süryaniler, günümüze uzanan birçok medeniyetin ve kültürün kurucularıdır. Örneğin; Hammurabi kanunlarını inşa eden halk Asurîlerdir. İsa’nın ilk konuştuğu dilin Aramice olduğunu tarih ve din derslerinde yüzeyselce anlatılan bilgilerden hemen

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“A View of the Assyrian Genocide from a Historical Perspective” Sabri Atman’s work

By Helen Talia, MBA, CPA When Sabri asked an Assyrian survivor to speak about seeing his mother raped and his younger brother slaughtered during the homogenize stage of Turkey’s Ottoman genocide that wiped out two-thirds of the Assyrian nation, he said, “For you, it was 100 years ago; for me, it was yesterday night’s dream.” Sabri then followed about the story of Infidel Hassan who waited his whole life to see his birth mother who repeatedly refused him audience —

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Joseph Jacoub’s Book: “The Assyro-Chaldeans: Memory of a Repeating Tragedy”

by Abdulmesih BarAbraham, MSc. Chairman Board of Trustees Mor Afrem Foundation “I have more memories than if I were a thousand years old.“ Charles Baudelaire (1821-1867) In his recent French book entitled “Les Assyro-Chaldéens : mémoire d’une tragédie qui se répète“ (The Assyro-Chaldeans: Memory of a Repeating Tragedy) and published in April 2021 by L‘Harmattan, Paris, Professor Joseph Yacoub describes a unique chain of tragedies of the Assyro-Chaldeans which culminated in the genocide of 1915-1918, known as „Years of the

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